- You are over the age of 18 or you are the legal age of consent to view sexual material in your city/country.
- You are not offended by depictions of nudity or sexual situations
- You are viewing this site with the intent of obtaining independent female escort companionship
- You will not copy the content of this site without written permission from the owner, ie. ME.
- You will not steal images from this site or reproduce any of the images on site, either for personal or commercial use.

- You are over the age of 18 or you are the legal age of consent to view sexual material in your city/country.
- You are not offended by depictions of nudity or sexual situations
- You are viewing this site with the intent of obtaining independent female escort companionship
- You will not copy the content of this site without written permission from the owner, ie. ME.
- You will not steal images from this site or reproduce any of the images on site, either for personal or commercial use.